Privacy Policy

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This Privacy Policy describes how Airport Development Group Pty Ltd (and their related bodies corporate) (ADG, we or us) handles personal information in its possession or control.

ADGis bound by the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and the Australian Privacy Principles, and is committed to protecting your privacy when you are interacting with our website, using our services or visiting our Airports.

The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to tell you the kinds of personal information that we may collect, how we may use or disclose that information, and the options you have in regards to accessing or correcting your personal information or making a complaint.

This Privacy Policy is current as at 8 June 2018. We reserve the right to amend this Privacy Policy at any time, without notice to you, to ensure that it is maintained to the highest standard. The date of this Privacy Policy will inform you as to whether there have been updates since your last visit.


The type of personal information collected by ADG will depend on your relationship with ADG and any applicable legal requirements.

In general, the personal information we collect about you could include:

Your name, address, telephone numbers, email address, date of birth, employment details, flight details and your driver’s licence number.

Health information, if we are making any special arrangements for you (e.g. access to disabled parking spaces).

A recording of your image on Closed Circuit Television (CCTV).

A recording of your voice from calls to certain airport operations or security telephone lines.

We may also collect additional personal information from you for the purpose of undertaking market research and direct marketing, such as:

  • Your preferences concerning types of products or services.
  • The frequency of use of certain types of products or services.
  • The methods, purpose and frequency of travel.
  • Your preferred destinations.
  • Your income demographics.

In the case of matters relating to security or airfield operations - for example, applications for an Aviation Security Identification Card (ASIC), Visitor Identification Card (VIC) or other forms of identification card or an Authority to Drive Airside (ADA) at one of our airports - we may collect additional personal information in order to manage and administer our business systems and comply with our legislative obligations. This information includes:

  • Your place of birth, country of citizenship and gender.
  • Your photograph.
  • In the case of applications for an ASIC or other form of identification card, your previous residential addresses for the last 10 years, details of previous criminal offences, details of any pending prosecutions, and information provided to us by relevant government agencies (such as the outcome of criminal records checks, security assessments and immigration checks).

When visiting our website we may automatically record details about any computer used to access our website. This may include the IP address, domain name, browser type, the date and the time of access and details of the information downloaded. These details are not capable of identifying you and are used solely for statistical analysis and research on usage patterns to improve this website.


Personal information will normally be collected directly from you when you deal with us by telephone, by correspondence through a letter, fax or e-mail, via our website, by making an application for an ASIC, VIC, ADA or other form of identification card, or through direct face-to-face contact.

Other ways in which we collect personal information include:

  • Through the use of ‘cookies’ on our website. A cookie is a very small text file which is stored on your computer’s hard drive when you first visit our website. This information may be used to identify repeat visitors to our website and areas of interest on our website. Should you be concerned about cookies, you can set your browser to refuse cookies or alert you to the fact that cookies are being used.
  • Where you access any of our retail products or services.
  • Recording your image from CCTV taken on our airport premises. ADG uses CCTV in its airports for ongoing crime prevention, aviation safety, airport security and operational purposes.
  • Through recording calls to certain airport operations and security telephone lines for security and/or safety purposes.

There may be occasions when we collect personal information about you from a third party, such as:

  • A service provider.
  • A customer airline or retail outlet.
  • In relation to security matters, a government department, body or law-enforcement agency.
  • A publicly available source.

Where ADG collects personal information about you from a third person, we will take reasonable steps to notify you that we have collected the information and that it will be handled in accordance with this Privacy Policy.


Generally speaking, you are not obliged to provide us with personal information. However, failure to do so may mean that we are unable to enter into the relevant transaction with you, provide you with an appropriate level of service or process any application for the issue of an authority, licence, pass or permit.


By providing your Personal Information to ADG, you consent to us using that information in the following ways:

  • To help us develop, improve, manage and administer the services we provide to you.
  • To ensure that our business systems are functional and reliable, which may include fulfilling legal obligations.
  • To conduct market research and direct marketing activities (including sending you communications by email, SMS or post, in relation to products, services, promotions and benefits offered by ADG and our airline partners and tenants).
  • To process applications effectively for the issue of authorities, licenses, passes, permissions and permits (including ADAs, ASICs, and other identification cards).
  • To assess whether or not any authorities, licenses, passes, permissions and permits should be cancelled or suspended.
  • As part of the investigation and analysis of incidents or occurrences (including potential incidents and occurrences) which occur on or at one of our airports.
  • To investigate, respond to or defend claims made against, or involving, ADG.
  • To enforce a contract or agreement which ADG has with you.

We will not use your personal information for purposes other than those set out above without your consent, unless that use is authorised under the Privacy Act 1988


At the point we collect information from you, you may be asked to “opt in” to consent to us using or disclosing your personal information for broader purposes than set out in this policy. For example, you may be asked to “opt in” to receive further information or communications from our advertisers and supporters which do not fall into one of the categories described above.

You can opt-out of receiving marketing information from us at any time by:

  • Using the opt-out method provided in a specific communication (e.g. the 'unsubscribe' link in our marketing emails).
  • Contacting our Privacy Officer, using the contact details provided at the end of this Privacy Policy.


ADG will only disclose your personal information to persons or bodies external to ADG where permitted by the Privacy Act 1988, including in the following circumstances:

  • Where you consent to the disclosure.
  • In the case of information collected through your application for an ASIC or any other identification card, this may be provided to government agencies from time to time (such as the Commonwealth Attorney General’s Department, Australian Security Intelligence Organisation or AusCheck; the Australian Federal Police; Australian Customs and Border Protection Service; the Australian Department of Immigration and Citizenship; and the NT Police) for security, law enforcement, customs and immigration purposes.
  • To our contractors and agents (for the purpose of the services they provide) so that we can complete a transaction on your behalf or provide you with a service that you have requested.
  • Where required by law including under a subpoena issued by a court.
  • For law enforcement, insurance matters, safety purposes, or operational purposes for which the information was collected.

As at the date of this Privacy Policy, we are not likely to disclose personal information to overseas recipients. If in future we do propose to disclose personal information overseas, we will do so in compliance with the requirements of the Privacy Act 1988.


ADG has security measures designed to provide reasonable protection against misuse and loss, and from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure. Such measures include:

  • Firewalls and login password protocols for all information stored electronically.
  • Secure, access-controlled premises.
  • Limited access locations for information stored as hard copy.
  • Confidentiality provisions in our employment and service contracts.


Requests for access and/or correction of personal information will be assessed in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988.

There is no application fee for making a request to access or correct your personal information. However, we may charge an administrative fee for the provision of information in order to recover costs.


If you have any questions, concerns or complaints about how we handle your personal information, please contact us at:

If you are dissatisfied with the handling of your complaint, you can contact the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner directly. Please see: for more information.

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